Photos of two landscaping projects

Photos of the wonderfully natural landscaping of the two new state high schools in Tallinn.

Project info

Two new schools were recently built in Tallinn: Pelgulinna State Gymnasium and Mustamäe State Gymnasium, surrounded by beautiful and inspiring city parks.

The architecture of both buildings is extraordinary, and I believe that both learning and teaching offer joy there. But the natural greenery surrounding both schools, as if drawn with a free brush, is undoubtedly just as inspiring!

If apple trees, sea buckthorns, and rowan trees grow in a school garden in the middle of Tallinn, the species-rich grass is not cut down immediately, but the plants found there are allowed to bloom and the insects to enjoy the flowers, I believe that this will teach both school children and the residents of the nearby buildings to appreciate nature.

Client: Haljastuse ja Maastikuehituse Osaühing.

Large landscaping projects

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